Author - Colin Delany

Quick Hits — March 30, 2007

Republicans For Obama! At least, they like his website. Dissecting an NRCC site: Mike Turk and Blog P.I. wield the scalpels. Enough of this Web 2.0 crap: Email marketing still works, and Getting Attention points to the best email campaigns of recent...

Homeland Security Slips Tentacles Into Second Life

Guest article! My Burning Sensation colleague Dr. John T. Elliott (Ph.D.) noticed this morning that the Department of Homeland Security is considering setting up a Second Life office, following the lead of a number of companies, political campaigns...

Quick Hits — March 28, 2007

Welcome to the neighborhood, Politico! “In its early days the Politico is demonstrating the same coziness with power and pack reporting mentality that’s sadly been the hallmark of old media.” Huffington journalism professor = mass...