Republicans For Obama! At least, they like his website. Dissecting an NRCC site: Mike Turk and Blog P.I. wield the scalpels. Enough of this Web 2.0 crap: Email marketing still works, and Getting Attention points to the best email campaigns of recent...
Clearly recognizing the rising potential of online political organizing as a powerful new source of our most precious resource in the War on Terror (satire), The Daily Show tried to poach turf from e.politics the other night by taking a close look...
Guest article! My Burning Sensation colleague Dr. John T. Elliott (Ph.D.) noticed this morning that the Department of Homeland Security is considering setting up a Second Life office, following the lead of a number of companies, political campaigns...
A couple of days ago, one of the folks behind a new site called Politickr wrote in to let me know a bit more about what they’re up to. Politickr turns out to be one of the few political sites I’ve seen that’s really using...
Welcome to the neighborhood, Politico! “In its early days the Politico is demonstrating the same coziness with power and pack reporting mentality that’s sadly been the hallmark of old media.” Huffington journalism professor = mass...
Though U.S. presidential campaigns’ use of YouTube has gotten plenty of attention lately, advocacy campaigns aren’t being left out of the online video revolution. An article in the new blog Together We Can Make a Difference finds 2,030...
In a nice piece of investigative journalism, techPresident’s Josh Levy looked yesterday at Barak Obama’s YouTube viewer statistics and wondered if something didn’t quite add up: the candidate’s YouChoose channel has been...
John McCain’s MySpace page took an unexpected lurch to the left today, and TechCrunch has the details. The lesson don’t annoy a guy who can wreck your online presence…in this case someone who has control over your...
Interesting news in my inbox this morning Yahoo is launching an ad network targeted at users of the mobile web (read coverage via MarketingVOX and the New York Times). A way for campaigns to snare new supporters and their cell phone numbers...
Completing the email activism trifecta of the last couple of days, Julia Rosen writes in with a brutal critique of a recent series of advocacy/fundraising messages sent to the old Phil Angelides list, which his campaign built while being crushed by...