[Update: see the comment at the end of the article for more on this subject and an important correction…] The author of the French blog Netpolitique left a trackback/comment the other day on my article from a few weeks ago on saturation...
Hi y’all, a friend of e.politics who shall remain nameless ([cough] Laura S. Quinn [cough]) has written in to highlight the TechSoup NetSquared Innovation Awards, the voting for which ends today at 5:00 Pacific time (8 pm in dog years). 150 no...
So, the other night I saw a strange thing while watching cable (no, tragically, psychedelics were not involved) it was an ad for a cell phone that was clearly intended for older people who were scared of cell phones. The ad itself was aimed...
I just caught Susan Finkelpearl cheating on us with Democracy in Action! Moreover, she’s brazenly flaunting her Tips (for Sprucing up Your Website), and in public, too! Does User-Generated Content Work for Political Campaigns? Todd Zeigler...
Catching up on the world of politics after a brief break has been quite informative when you’re out of the current for a few days, you can get a really good look at the whole river. What jumped out at me today was a bunch of smaller...
Hey kids, I’m finally recovered from the N-Ten conference last week thanks to everyone who came to the social media panel Michael Silberman and I put on. It was a hoot and a half, despite the lack of audio, and people definitely came...
One quick morsel for you guys before I head back to N-Ten: this morning, NPR interviewed Matthew Gross, the guy who ran Howard Dean’s online campaign in ’04 and who’s now in charge of John Edwards’ Internet strategy. Some...
Presentation Presentation “slides” Overview Articles Power from the People: Assessing the New Online Participatory Tools for Your Organization Online Politics 101: Social Networking/Social Media Learning about Social Media from a Horny...
Hey kids, I’m at the N-Ten Nonprofit Technology Conference through Friday. In the meantime, don’t miss me TOO much. And if you’re at the conference, come by the social media panel I’m moderating on Thursday it should...
Mike Connery wrote an article last week for Future Majority (cross-posted on MyDD) that raises some interesting points about the potential of online video to reach niche audiences: “Cable [tv] buys are smart not just because they are cheap...