Author - Colin Delany

Quick Hits — May 2, 2007

Army Squeezes Soldier Blogs, Maybe to Death. The end of milblogging? Just as YouTube lines up to be the next threat to military discipline. But wait! There’s more…U.S. Military Uses YouTube to Get Its Story Out (nice outflanking...

Your Site Visitors Just Want You to be Easy

An article posted yesterday in Micropersuasion has caught my eye — Google and other homepage/portal providers are desperate to get users to customize their personal pages (which Google just renamed “iGoogle”), yet most users are...

Quick Hits — April 30, 2007

Eight Easy Steps To Internet Superstardom. Video tutorials from Jack Black and others — why not try a little humour to get your political points across? Relaunches with Citizen Journalism. Also with new emphasis on video (and dreams...

Catching Up with Mobile Advocacy

Ailea Sneller over at Frogloop has written up a nice summary of the presentation on cell phones and advocacy that Katrin Verclass gave at Alan Rosenblatt’s most recent Internet Advocacy Roundtable. A sample: Unlike telemarketing, mobile...

Saving Seals in Second Life

Kevin Reid with IDI wrote in yesterday to highlight an ongoing series of Second Life events that the International Fund for Animal Welfare is holding to try to mobilize public opinion against Arctic seal hunting. I’m normally a bit of a Second...

Candidates Had Better Keep an Eye on Wikipedia

A new study from the Pew Center for the Internet and Public Life finds that 36% of online Americans use Wikipedia, roughly half the time getting to the site from a search engine link. Better-educated folks and broadband users were more likely to...