[Update: The Politico’s James Joyner responds.] Guest article! My good friend and colleague Burt Edwards has a bone to pick with a recent Politico article, and he’s not afraid to do it in public for your amusement. Be warned if...
Michael Scherer has an excellent article in Salon today on a significant way that the Internet is altering the pace and direction of political campaigns, while also subtly changing the role of political journalists, not for the better. To boil it...
Hey kids! Sorry to be AWOL the last couple of days, but things have been a little nuts around here. Since Tuesday, I’ve launched two brand-new sites for my day job at National Environmental Trust while also fixing bugs in third site that went...
[Cross-posted at TechPresident.] Tameka Kee with MediaPost asked an excellent question yesterday when we were emailing about her recent article on the Post’s online political coverage: what about the Yahoo/Huffington Post/Slate online debates:...
IPDI’s Julie Barko Germany dropped a bit of a bomb into a sun-drenched over-coffee conversation a few minutes ago: the folks at the Institute are operating under the assumption that candidates at all levels will raise and spend between $12...
Meet the OPOs (Online Political Operatives). A bit of a puff piece, but it does give an overview of who’s working for whom and how they fit into campaign structures. Bivings on Bidding for President(ial Google ads): The Democrats and The...
This weekend, Lawrence Lessig and others reported that CNN will release the footage of two upcoming presidential debates for use by the public, in a victory for information freedom and citizen-generated content. Lessig and compatriots in the...
Something else hit me about the digital rights protest song “Oh Nine, Eff Nine” as a social phenomenon, it’s both inextractably embedded in the structure of a new medium AND a continuation of a tradition that’s...
I just a call from Waldo Tibbetts, formerly the online ad sales guru at Washington Post Newsweek Interactive, who’s resigned his Post gig this week to take a position at The Politico. The new publication has already stirred up the Washington...
What is this man singing about? What is that bizarre string of numbers and why is it printed on candy hearts? If you haven’t been following the recent saga of the online crusade to distribute the magic code used to crack hi-def video disks...