A Monday night segment on viral video on NPR’s Marketplace got me thinking: are we really ready for the sheer volume of political video that’s going to be unleashed over the next 18 months? Think about it: when the presidential campaigns...
At Saturday’s PDF unConference, I caught a fascinating discussion led by Beka from the NotAnAlternative arts collective/production company about setting up street actions with an eye toward getting them the most online exposure possible. She...
Quick Hits is a harsh mistress, but I can ignore her no longer. Special Edition! When the bizarre meets the sublime, plus some scary stuff. Gen Y Reads More Print, Not Less, than Older Counterparts. Damn kids, quit hogging my magazines. Speaking of...
[Cross-posted at techPresident.] In a discussion about the recent French presidential election at the Personal Democracy Forum unConference this past Saturday, Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry presented an interesting thesis: not only did Ségolène...
Check out Jose Antonio Vargas’s article in today’s Post for a quick snapshot of the relative power of the presidential campaigns online, which is already stirring up a good bit of discussion online. Nothing in it will be shocking to...
You knew something interesting might happen at this afternoon’s Personal Democracy Forum panel on citizen-generated content right from the start as the crowd gathered, a confrontational flier put together by MoveOn.org circulated through...
In today’s keynote conversation at PDF between the NY Times’s Thomas Friedman and Google CEO Eric Schmidt (liveblogged here, among other places), Schmidt mentioned in passing an event from last year that I’d missed entirely...
I’m at the Personal Democracy Forum conference in NYC today and tomorrow, so e.politics is on an irregular publishing schedule (“erratic” is a better word, in many ways). If you’re here, look me up.
– cpd
The major presidential campaigns have put tons of effort into creating websites, building their own social networks, creating online videos and reaching out to voters through Facebook and MySpace, but they’re so far mostly ignoring a simple...
If you’re in New York this weekend or looking for an excuse to head to the Big City, why not check out the second day of the Personal Democracy Forum Conference, the unConference, on Saturday? It’s a very cool idea rather than the...