Cross-posted on techPresident Something interesting just dropped into my email inbox an invitation to join a Democratic Party online rapid response team. My mission, should I choose to accept it: This special PartyBuilder group will help...
The Shock of the New. What the history of the electric dynamo teaches about the future of the computer (we ain’t seen nothin’ yet). Related idea: It’s the Use, Not the Tech. Return of the Live Commercial. Another attempt to outwit...
Republican strategist David All, who seems to write approximately 25 hours per day, put out an online political video manifesto yesterday which has in turn generated a fair amount of discussion. David has five recommendations for political...
Don’t forget Tuesday night’s fundraiser for NOI it’s shaping up to be one hell of a party. I work right across the street; you’ll have to be pretty quick to beat me to the bar at 5:30. Here’s the scoop: The New...
Hey kids, I’ve been spending the last few days playing tour guide for visiting kinfolk and have been cruelly neglecting e.politics, deaf to its constant cries for love. Never fear; others have stepped into the breach most bravely. First up:...
The potential benefits to nonprofits of the Google/Salesforce merger are a little beyond my ken, since I’ve never used Salesforce as a constituent-relations-management tool, but fortunately others in the community are more on the ball on this...
In a brilliant combination of technologies, Amnesty International is mixing regularly updated commercial satellite reconnaissance imagery with the web to crowdsource the monitoring of twelve selected villages in the Darfur region of Sudan. The...
Josh Levy raised some serious questions yesterday in a techPresident piece about Obama’s preferred treatment in the launch of Facebook’s new Platform application, which lets users build tools for the Facebook community: But when Platform...
What Kills a Social Media Campaign. Case studies of bitter failure. Amateur charge infuriates blogosphere. “Millions and millions of exuberant monkeys … are creating an endless digital forest of mediocrity” (e.politics is proud to...
E.politics passed a significant milestone this weekend, but it’s not one that I’m likely to celebrate: the site received its 100,000th spam comment. As of late January, six months after e.politics launched, only 20,000 fake comments had...