Everybody step back: it’s time for a little self-plagiarism. This afternoon I wrote a response to a question on an email forum about how to use the blog search engine Technorati when you’re marketing and promoting websites, and I figured...
Two articles in today’s Post (which I read sitting on my front stoop on this most perfect summer Sunday morning) illuminate very different ends of the spectrum of online political activity. First, a front-page story profiles Greg Letiecq...
In an online discussion today, Bill Pease with Convio wrote a great overview of how email messages get marked as spam and how you can avoid having yours consigned to that awful fate. Basic message: just as in high school, a Bad Reputation means...
According to the Times, Google has expanded the number of newspapers in its Print Ads project from 50 to 225 and opened it up to all advertisers using AdWords. In a limited test since last November, the system now includes papers from Hearst...
Okay, maybe not tawdry, but certainly cheap: writing for Laura Quinn at Idealware, Alan Rosenblatt (newly of the Center for American Progress) has put together an excellent overview of low-cost online advocacy tools. Need to reach supporters via...
It almost sneaked up and caught me unawares, but guess what: e.politics launched one year ago today. Happy Birthday to us! Some of you have been regular readers from the very beginning (note: you need a new hobby) and some of you are new to the fun...
Cross-posted on techPresident Neilsen has published some fascinating details on how the presidential candidates are spending their media money and what kind of results they’re getting for it. MarketingCharts.com has the numbers; here are some...
Cross-posted on techPresident At last week’s New Organizing Institute/IPDI-sponsored Google presentation on advocacy tools, after looking at Google Ads and answering questions about click fraud, the company’s Elections and Issue Advocacy...
Hey kids! Getting things back in order after spending the last few days doing very little that resembled work the gig went fine, the tubing trip was awesome and the mountain biking kicked ass, thanks for asking. A few articles popped over the...
At a presentation Thursday by Google’s Elections and Issue Advocacy team, one of the first questions that came up was that of click fraud and Google Ads. Since advertisers pay only when Google Ads are clicked, should campaigns be worried about...