It’s too damn hot to write anything substantive. DARPA Chief: Titanium is the Next Internet. What’s next, after the networked battlefield? Internet Vote-Swapping Legal, Says 9th Circuit. Naderites, unite! Beautiful blogad. Henry Copeland...
Sunday’s fascinating Post profile of Fred Thompson’s wife Jeri contained a little glimpse of the Good Old Days of the early political Internet. Turns out, when they were first dating and her last name was still Kehn, she pitched him on a...
Or, at least she did until this morning shortly after a reporter contacted her, she pulled out of the Facebook group “Barack Obama (One Million Strong for Barack).” Slate has details; Caroline Giuliani and her brother Andrew have...
The big news in the online political world today is the now-annual gathering-of-the-lefty-tribe known as YearlyKos, and the Democratic presidential campaigns are on hand greet the potentially faithful. It’s in Chicago this time around, and...
Quick Hits returns! Back from summer vacation, tan, rested and ready to… Cyberactivists Are a Must-See for Candidates. Yearly Kos preview. Note: don’t expect to run into Bill O’Reilly there. Is It Worth It? An ROI Calculator for...
TechPresident notes and Jeff Jarvis shows a new Bill Richardson TV ad that’s designed to send traffic to his site. As Josh says on techPrez, Bill Richardson has a new TV ad up that smartly points to the limitations of, um, TV ads. It’s...
Beating up on Times political reporter Adam Nagourney is a hobby gleefully enjoyed in many corners of the Interweb, but now that he’s ventured onto OUR turf, it’s time for a quick barrage of jabs, hooks and vicious undercuts, e.politics...
Patrick Ruffini published a fascinating analysis of the Republican presidential campaigns’ online staffing patterns on techPresident earlier today, basing his figures on Shira Toeplitz’s breakdown of the candidates’ online spending...
Cross-posted on techPresident Some interesting conclusions in a preview of a study of presidential candidates and social networking sites to be released by two Bentley College (Mass.) professors in August. For instance, the authors note that the...
Hmmmm, a Google alert just delivered this little tidbit according to Politico, Fred Thompson has raised only $3 million for his “exploratory” committee so far, not exactly an overwhelming wave of support, online or off. Despite...