Author - Colin Delany

Quick Hits — August 15, 2007

Inside the lobbying industry’s evolution. From hunter-gatherer to information-age filter/aggregator — a fascinating framework for analysis. Ron Paul: All the Rage in Paris. Liberté-rians? The Danger of Using YouTube Views as a Metric...

Chris Cillizza Gets His Own Widget

More news from the land of random widgetry: the Post’s The Fix column has its own RSS widget, which I just noticed today displayed in an advertising bubble between its first two stories. The other Post blogs I checked didn’t seem to...

Video: Gays for Giuliani

Genius citizen video via techPresident and others — a gay New Yorker wants to “remind Rudy who he was when he was mayor and to let Republican primary voters have some idea on the man they’re voting for.” Micah Sifry describes...

In Iowa, Republicans Take Out the Trash — Online

With the Ames Straw Poll only days away, Republican presidential candidates are seizing the high ground in Iowa, according to Slate’s John Dickerson. For example, Gov. Mike Huckabee and Sen. Sam Brownback are engaged in a multiround spat over...