Author - Colin Delany

Larry Craig and the Right-Wing Blogosphere

Writing in Salon, Glenn Greenwald hits on an aspect of the Larry Craig story that ought to raise questions about the intellectual honesty of certain segments of the right-wing blogworld — the vast disparity between many authors’ comments...

When Bloggers Go Bad

Wow, here’s a wild one to end the week with: The California National Guard has placed on leave the personal assistant to its top general and started an investigation after questions were raised about a Web site he maintains that advocates mass...

Quick Hits — August 21, 2007

Users’ Online Time Spent Mostly on Content – Not Communications, Commerce. Content is king! Tech Savvy Protesters take on China, but when is it appropriate to spam the Great Firewall? Social networks not just for kids, as Boomer site...

An Early Start to Congressional E-Politics?

A front page story in today’s Post looks at the symptoms of a new malady afflicting the body politic: next year’s race for control of Congress is already running at a fever-pitch, at least in some areas, and we’re still more that...