For those moments that demand more than a Quick Hit but less than a full bowl…of content. First off, the Post’s dedicated online politics reporter, Jose Antonio Vargas, has started his own YouTube channel, where he plans to go into...
Cross-posted on techPresident In honor of his announcement last night, I just checked out Fred Thompson’s official site, and I gotta say, very slick Flash interface, guys. A few bugs here and there, though when I clicked on some of the...
A fascinating story on yesterday’s edition of NPR’s The World focused on the rise of international video-sharing sites, and in particular on their political effects in Asia. In China, where the existence of a half-dozen video sites makes...
Well, in The Trail, which is absolutely fine, buh-lieve you me (howdy, newcomers). When Jose called to chat this afternoon about the extreme duration of Fred Thompson’s announcement video, I couldn’t resist firing off a couple of...
If you’ve ever seen a crack press team in action, you know the basics of media relations: you find the reporters covering your issues, get to know them, feed them good information and become a trusted source. Reporters and press people...
This is the first article in a series on the challenges facing political campaigns in 2008 and beyond (Editor’s note: which, alas, never came to pass.). Read the Introduction. Let’s start with something simple, like a piece of technology...
Eight months down; fourteen to go: since the online component of campaign 2008 kicked off in January, we’ve seen Hillary as Big Brother, Ron Paul as favorite son, Mike Gravel as crazy uncle, Obama drawing admiring eyes, a talking snowman...
Just got through putting together an interesting doohickey that you kids might enjoy the communications folks at my day job shot some video clips last week for use on TV, and we decided to package them along with text into a little persuasive...
Email attack: White House resists FOIA requests, and who can blame them after reading FEMA’s Katrina-related messages (Highlight: Juxtaposing “I Am a Fashion God” with “I just ate an MRE and crapped in the hallway of the...
Well, they’re not actually competing directly for anything other than our attention, but both Mitt Romney and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee have launched campaigns lately to leverage the creative power of their supporters...