Author - Colin Delany


Hi kids, I’ve pretty well swamped with work the past couple of days and will be in Philly all day Wednesday for meetings. But don’t despair! You should be able to receive your regular dose of e.politics again later in the week, Lord...

Study: Text Messaging Can Boost Voter Turnout

Interesting findings from a new study of the use of text messaging to send day-before-election reminders to vote — 5% ain’t bad, and it sure was cheap ($1.56 per vote vs.$20-$70 for other methods). Conducted by the Student PIRGs’...

GetActive’s CEO Prepares to Bow Out

Just got an email from Con/Active headquarters, and not an entirely unexpected one — former GetActive CEO Sheeraz Haji is beginning to transition away from day-to-day operations at the newly merged online activism supergroup “to take some...