When 30,000 people show up in a small Southern town to protest a racially tinged prosecution, the mainstream media take notice. But for months beforehand, the story of the “Jena Six” was largely spread over our beloved Internets, as NPR...
Cross-posted on techPresident A little bird dropped something off via email the other day that I thought you guys might be interested in it’s a new twist on the classic political house party fundraiser. For years, campaigns have...
Hi kids, I’ve pretty well swamped with work the past couple of days and will be in Philly all day Wednesday for meetings. But don’t despair! You should be able to receive your regular dose of e.politics again later in the week, Lord...
One of the marine conservation folks at my day job passed along this little critter yesterday it’s an online game that uses the classic Space Invaders model, only this time you’re a whale trying to stop Japanese whaling ships by...
Interesting findings from a new study of the use of text messaging to send day-before-election reminders to vote 5% ain’t bad, and it sure was cheap ($1.56 per vote vs.$20-$70 for other methods). Conducted by the Student PIRGs’...
According to today’s Post, Mark Warner announced yesterday that he’s running for Virginia’s now-open Senate seat via an email to his supporter list. That’s not the first sign that the former tech executive would rely...
Online politics has turned nasty, vicious, ugly, brutish AND short…just the way we like it. First off, there’s the throwdown between the Fred Thompson and Mitt Romney over the PhonyFred.org website, which Josh Levy wraps up ably at tPrez...
Just got an email from Con/Active headquarters, and not an entirely unexpected one former GetActive CEO Sheeraz Haji is beginning to transition away from day-to-day operations at the newly merged online activism supergroup “to take some...
Since that series on the 2008 online challenges is taking a just a bit longer than planned to pull together, let’s whet your appetites with a little history lesson. I wrote this next article back in the Spring of 2000 for the website...
Cross-posted on techPresident Here’s an interesting little feature that the Biden campaign has just started using a tool that can combine several video clips into a single embed, even if they originate on different video hosting sites...