Author - Colin Delany

Making Facebook a Better Political Tool

Michael Bassik reports today in techPrez about some changes to Facebook that should make it a much better platform for political organizing. Specifically, by January, the “success penalty” for building a large Facebook Group should...

Heading to New Orleans

E.politics will be on temporary hiatus this week — I’m off to New Orleans for a little manual labor at the St. Bernard Project, a rebuilding nonprofit started by a couple of friends who moved down to Louisiana from Our Nation’s...


Hi y’all, after spending about 18 very exciting hours yesterday exploring Our Nation’s transportation infrastructure (note: airports suck), I’m finally ensconsed deep in the Piney Woods of East Texas. The pre-trip work frenzy is...

How NOT to Write for the Public

A colleague passed along this little gem from an email message yesterday: “IEER’s comments on the DOE’s NOI to prepare EIS on Disposal of GTCC LLRW are now posted on the web at….” Apparently, this translates to...