Author - Colin Delany

Well, THAT was a longer break than planned…

Welcome back — sorry about the hiatus. Just to update you guys, the new e.politics bunker is now purchased and vast renovations have begun that will soon turn it into a vital nerve center for the observation of online politics (i.e., I’m...

What’s Next for

So here we are in late October of 2007, 15 months after the launch of e.politics. On the East Coast, Fall is slowly, belatedly settling in — the sky darkens early now, the leaves show signs of withering, and the mind naturally turns to...

Improving the E.politics Comment Process

I’ve never been entirely satisfied with the comment policy on this site, so let’s take this fine Fall morning to make an arbitrary executive decision. The problem is that because of comment-spam, and despite a good spam filter, enough...

DNC Using Email to Encourage Real-World Action

Cross-posted on techPresident The Democratic National Committee continued their consistently excellent use of an email list today with a message keyed to local political organizing: Our organizing plan for 2008 has one critical component: you. Next...