This evening, the Republican presidential candidates will finally submit to the unthinkable and take questions from the great unwashed masses. Josh at tPrez looked at some of the noteworthy submissions yesterday, and I’m sure a ton of sites...
The folks over at Collactive have put together a great list of tips on designing video clips so that they’ll have the best chance of doing well on YouTube and by extension other video sharing sites. Besides information on preparing the actual...
Hi y’all, next Tuesday the DC chapter of the American Marketing Association is putting on a panel discussion about online political marketing and what folks in the business world can learn from it. I’m moderating, and I bet some of the...
Listening to NPR while packing boxes and emptying closets this weekend, I picked up a juicy political-technological morsel indeed: during the 1970s CB radio craze, President Gerald Ford’s wife Betty apparently campaigned over the...
The email advocacy frenzy continues apace hot on the heels of yesterday’s Post article, techPresident announces that it’s started collecting campaign emails via Michael Whitney’s Politikr application, letting us get a...
At least, according to Christopher Beam at Slate: he reviews questions from two recent Mike Huckabee conference calls, one for reporters and one for bloggers, and finds that the bloggers asked much more substantive questions. Looking at the list...
A couple of articles of note popped up this weekend about what I still claim is generally the most useful online political organizing tool: email. First off, judging from Sunday’s Post article on presidentail campaign email subject lines, list...
Something interesting popped up on one of the online politics discussion groups today once you’re on Rudy Giuliani’s supporter email list, you can check out any time you like, but it looks as though you can never leave. Giuliani...
AOL has come up with what seems like a more graceful way to advertise within online video clips than the usual show-a-short-ad-before-the-main-event. According to Wired, here’s how it will work: If you’re watching a TV show, about 10...
A quick thought about Google’s OpenSocial, which was unveiled a few weeks ago: while most of the attention focused on the use of OpenSocial Google Gadgets on social networking sites, Gadgets are actually web widgets that’ll run on most...