Ron Paul’s appearance on Meet The Press last Sunday was immensely revealing for many reasons, not the least of which was his success (in the words of The Smirking Chimp) at “parrying each of Tim Russert’s attempts to find a gotcha...
For a look at one of the real stories of the 2008 campaign, check out this NY Times article about attempts by the top Democratic presidential campaigns to cut back on the amount of money siphoned off by political consultants, bringing them more in...
Is the former President Clinton supporting Obama instead of Hillary? Time to sleep on the couch again! Or so an online trickster would have us believe — the owners of the domain names and have...
With many of our online colleagues taking the holiday week off, it’s time for e.politics — temporarily ensconced deep in the Piney Woods of East Texas while measuring the Pulse Of The Heartland — to take up the slack. And maybe to...
ABC News reported today that Hillary Clinton’s campaign has reserved two domain names for use against close rival Barack Obama: and are domains hosted by the same IP address as official Clinton Web sites...
Here’s a fun approach to shifting the political baseline: track the Sunday morning talkshows, Media Matters-style, and rally the rabble to smack ’em when they ignore your issues. As vapid and self-impressed as these shows often are (they...
Cross-posted on techPresident Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul’s supporters sure know how to make the media/industrial complex take notice: they’ve learned to speak the language of political professionals, which is money. By...
Glenn Greenwald has a fascinating piece in Salon today detailing the work that bloggers and other online organizers did both in public and behind the scenes to derail, at least temporarily, the the reauthorization bill for the Foreign Intelligence...
Cross-posted on techPresident. The Clinton campaign is using microsites (small, standalone sites separate from the main campaign site) for both offense and defense this week. First, the offense, in this case a clear attempt to humanize a candidate...
EVERYBODY’S getting in on the political act these days, even the T-shirt makers. On Thursday, online shirt/gear maker CafePress sent out a note promoting their services as a political message-spreader. CafePress works by letting people upload...