Slate’s Trailhead column picked up a very fun feature on Mitt Romney’s site on Wednesday afternoon enter your name and a friend’s name, and this interesting Flash application will record a phone message for him or her. The...
In a move to boost relations with the country’s Asian neighbors, Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda is now posting videos on YouTube in English as well as Japanese. English is apparently widely used in Asia for cross-cultural...
According to figures from Nielsen, several demographic groups that have traditionally donated disproportionately to Republicans switched allegiances in the first half of the year and became more likely to give to Dems. Overall, Democratic...
The Post’s Jose Antonio Vargas took a look today at a rising political force, Iowa’s local political blogs: “For the most part, the blogging community is small,” says [local blogger Chris] Woods, who blogs at Bleeding...
While stuck at the airport in Tyler, Texas yesterday, I ran across a fascinating history lesson in the comments section of a random Sadly, No article. Produced right after World War II, the short Encyclopedia Britannica film “Despotism”...
A couple of weeks ago, a new application showed up on Boing Boing that at first glance would seem to be a reasonable approach to pressuring Our Elected Representatives: give the system your phone number, and CommitteeCaller will connect you with the...
Here’s a sneaky way to use the web to put a knife in the other guy: leak an ad targeting your opponent to an online media outlet which can then post it for mass distribution. Combine that with the journalist’s own email distribution...
The good Doktor Rosenblatt has weighed in on my Matt Bai piece, and the results are excellent. Among his many worthwhile points, he notes that online support worked for Howard Dean because the campaign jumped on it they saw a wave, and they...
I almost missed it in the pre-holiday frenzy, but last week Kate Kaye of Clickz wrote up an excellent way to use Google Ads (in this case funded by a Google Grant) to hitch your promotional wagon to a presidential candidate’s star: The...
Cross-posted on techPresident Writing in the NY Times Magazine a couple of weeks ago, Matt Bai evoked a vivid picture to describe how political campaigns should, in his eyes, harness the internet: In the new and evolving online world, the greatest...