Cross-posted on techPresident John Hlinko with Grassroots Enterprises sent over this excellent find today: besides dominating Google and YouTube since the Iowa caucuses, Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee are now winning the all-important CafePress...
A couple of good presidential campaign site reviews have popped up today: first, Todd Zeigler at the Bivings Report looks at Obama’s somewhat ghostly new site and finds that the redesign is a big improvement. In a very nice touch that shows...
Two recent stories by The Post’s Jose Antonio Vargas illuminate the vital connection between online and offline organizing. The first, written last week with Peter Slevin, focuses on voter turnout operations in Iowa and opens with this nugget...
Cross-posted on techPresident Mike Allen’s Politico Playbook contained this little gem today: The Edwards campaign has raised $1 million since Iowa, the fastest it has raised $1 million online during the campaign. He didn’t give a link...
Upcoming event of note, held at the end of this week in Manhattan and sponsored by Idealware and Aspiration: Managing Nonprofit Technology Projects (MNTP) will examine the tools and best practices that will help nonprofits deliver successful...
Cross-posted on techPresident Well, who was the big loser in the Iowa caucuses? It wasn’t Mitt Romney or Hillary Clinton, and it certainly wasn’t Ron Paul. The big loser was political punditry. Note that I did not say “political...
Wired’s picked up on a new application called Glassbooth that helps match you with the presidential candidate whose positions are closest to yours. In clever fashion, it starts by asking which issues are most important to you and only then...
Welcome To The Iowa Caucuses, Viewed Online Through Grassroots Lenses. Can’t get enough Iowa? Let’s hang with the locals. Obama Girl, Britney Boy Top YouTube Videos. More significant: Obama Girl makes the AdRants Raciest Ads of the Year...
On the rationality of the Iowa Caucus system: “I’m not saying his refusal to take a photo with Mr. Potato Head doomed his campaign,” Green said of Brownback, who has withdrawn from the race. But who’s to say it didn’t...
At least one presidential candidate is not ashamed to count bloggers among his friends: according to Katharine Q. Seelye at The Times, Mike Huckabee held a little event here on Tuesday to thank the roughly 700 bloggers who, he said, were responsible...