Author - Colin Delany

An Inside Look at Fred Thompson’s Online Campaign

Mike Turk has a must-read piece in techPresident and his own site today: with the dream of Thompson presidency only days in its grave, Mike talks about what he saw from the inside of a campaign that rode high in the summer of 2007 and crashed hard...

Quick Hits — January 22, 2008

Update: Clinton-Obama Mudslinging During South Carolina Debate Plays Out Online Update: White House Has No Comprehensive E-Mail Archive McCain’s Web Ad Responds to Swiftboat-like attack. Watch the video, and see also McCain, Huckabee Trade...

Obama Kicks Online Fundraising into Overdrive

Josh Levy noted yesterday and Jose Antonio Vargas picks up today that Barack Obama has already received online donations from more than 100,000 people since the beginning of the year. 50,000 per week! Extremely impressive, and a demonstration of...