Mike Turk has a must-read piece in techPresident and his own site today: with the dream of Thompson presidency only days in its grave, Mike talks about what he saw from the inside of a campaign that rode high in the summer of 2007 and crashed hard...
Cross-posted on techPresident A new site announcement arrived in my inbox today, courtesy of an aggressive Waggener Edstrom outreach campaign (two separate emails came here and here plus an extra copy of the second; the PDFs...
Apparently, e.politics was featured in a story about the American presidential races on Radio Singapore International last week, but I can’t hear it! I did a short interview with a couple of their reporters a few weeks ago, and I’d love...
Hidden in a Post article today on the presidential campaigns’ precarious financial shape was this remark: Ken Mehlman, who helped plan President Bush’s reelection strategy four years ago, said each campaign is trying to isolate...
Two articles today examine the reaction to the presidential election of writers in different niches of the online world: Floridians and black bloggers. First, Florida political blogs take on different angles of the primary races, from strategy to...
Update: Clinton-Obama Mudslinging During South Carolina Debate Plays Out Online Update: White House Has No Comprehensive E-Mail Archive McCain’s Web Ad Responds to Swiftboat-like attack. Watch the video, and see also McCain, Huckabee Trade...
In the political world, it’s easy to demonize the other side. Those bastards want to abolish the social safety net! Those freaks want to let men marry men! We often forget that, in most cases, the freaks and bastards aren’t being evil...
Josh Levy noted yesterday and Jose Antonio Vargas picks up today that Barack Obama has already received online donations from more than 100,000 people since the beginning of the year. 50,000 per week! Extremely impressive, and a demonstration of...
At a panel discussion we participated in today for a group of visiting European political officials, DNC Internet Director Josh McConaha made a statement that cuts through a lot of the hype surrounding online politics. Answering a question from the...
From the Nevada debate: “In the internet age, there are going to be lies that are spread all over the place. I have been victimized by these lies. Fortunately, the American people are, I think, smarter than folks give them credit for.”...