Author - Colin Delany

Quick Hits — February 4, 2008

Mega pre-Super Tuesday edition. Are any Giants-sized upsets coming our way in the political world? Update: Concise, insightful Super Tuesday video slideshow overview from CQ, including some great photos and clever graphics. Via PoliticalWire...

Trampled by the Horserace

Huddled in the e.politics bunker this week with a cold and a big pile of (very welcome) work, I took a little time off from the site to focus on the logistics of living. At the same time, I also wasn’t happy with anything I thought of to write...

Super Obama Girl Vanquishes All Rivals

Hey kids! E.politics is running a bit behind these days, but there’s nothing like 70s-funk theme song to restart a publishing groove. Obama Girl is back, this time with superpowers and backup singers (“she’s wonky/so funky”)...