In this edition: 73 good stories related to digital politics and advocacy. How do you mobilize people during a pandemic? C.f. How To Connect With Audiences Sheltering In Place. Guide: Political Campaigning in the Time of Social Distancing. As...
Apologies for the delayed posting! We’re having some motivational issues here in the Epolitics bunker. Check out last week’s top 10 over-performing Facebook posts from the current Democratic and Republican presidential campaigns, using...
And then there were three! In the weeks since we went into a pandemic-induced slumber, the list has narrowed to Trump, Biden and Bernie. We’ll go back to Friday/weekend Top Ten posting as of this week. Check out last week’s top 10 over...
Top photo: a good mask will scare the coronavirus away, or so I hear As America shuts down public events, limits handshakes and learns to practice “social distancing”, how can political campaigns and advocacy organizations adapt to the...
Check out last week’s top 10 over-performing Facebook posts from the current Democratic and Republican presidential campaigns, using data from our friends at CrowdTangle. Remember, these are posts that have seen significantly more engagement...
A good week on the media front! Check out Andrew Marantz’s in-depth piece on Brad Parscale, which went live on Monday and is apparently in the current print edition (I need to go pick one up). I have a couple of quotes talking about Democratic...
Over the weekend, Politico’s David Siders examined the coronavirus as a wild card for political campaigns. Let’s focus on one possible effect: will the virus drive candidates out of the real world and onto the internet? Most political...
Check out last week’s top 10 over-performing Facebook posts from the current Democratic and Republican presidential campaigns, using data from our friends at CrowdTangle. Remember, these are posts that have seen significantly more engagement...
Quick Hits returns! In this edition: 75 excellent stories related to digital politics and advocacy. The Billion-Dollar Disinformation Campaign to Reelect the President. “Scholars have a name for this: censorship through noise”. A multi...
With Bernie leading the polls and the Democratic delegate count, Bloomberg’s team seems ready to drop the leash on their opposition research team. On CNN earlier today (via PoliticalWire), a campaign advisor to the former New York mayor...