According to information from analytics firm DataPulse, Marco Rubio saw a big boost in website traffic during and after last night’s Republican debate:
Assuming that some percentage of the new site visitors join his email list or even make a donation on the spot, Rubio’s campaign may reap long-term benefits from this burst of digital attention. The punditocracy is essentially unanimous in saying that he won the debate, in large part due to his sharp exchange with Jeb! Bush early in the evening. The numbers would support that conclusion; note the sharp boost in web traffic around time of their “discussion”.
Below are more numbers on the campaigns’ overall share of online presidential campaign traffic. Note Trump’s strikingly low level of site visits…a sign that his campaign may not be turning immediate enthusiasm into long-term connections with Republican voters.
These data come from an analysis of web traffic flows over the internet infrastructure, not on surveying selected web users like many similar measurements. More on the elections from DataPulse.
– cpd