Training: Digital Campaigning Essentials, 2024 Edition

Digital & mobile campaigning

Update: you can now watch the video of this training on YouTube.


Some news here: I’m starting a new series of free, one-hour(ish) online trainings covering essential digital advocacy and campaigning topics this summer. These should run through late July/early August, I hope in time for folks who might want to put the tools and tactics to work on the campaign trail this year.

I’m holding the first event this Thursday afternoon: a comprehensive overview of the state of digital campaigning (both advocacy and electoral) in 2024, designed for folks who are newer to the field. I know this is short notice, but please share the link with friends and colleagues who might be interested. The session will start at 3 pm Eastern, and I’ll record it for later viewing.

Follow-up sessions will include online fundraising 101, digital advertising for advocacy groups and political campaigns, and ethical and effective list-building tactics. But first:

Digital Campaigning in 2024: The Essentials
Thursday, June 13
3pm EDT
Register now

Email, TikTok, Hustle and Zoom! Facebook, YouTube, Data and…how do I keep up with all this stuff? Whether you’re advocating for an issue or running for office, digital campaigning in 2024 gets complicated fast. Which outreach channels make sense for your campaign? How should you spend your time and money? What will bring in the donations, and how?

This online session, the first in a new 2024 training series hosted by experienced digital campaigner Colin Delany and, will dive into the essential elements involved in a coherent and effective digital strategy this year. We’ll talk about online content and the myriad digital relationships through which it flows, with deeper explorations of individual channels like email, Facebook and YouTube along the way. We’ll also run through the digital advertising options now at our fingertips, with the pluses and minuses of each.

Finally, we’ll discuss the ways the various pieces of your outreach campaign can work together and reinforce each other, creating a virtuous circle of online effectiveness and efficiency.

Reserve your spot at the table today! This session is designed to last for approximately 60 minutes, with another 15 minutes for extra Q&A.

See you Thursday!


Written by
Colin Delany
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