Quick Epolitics Update; Plus, Building Political Email & Text-Message Lists

List building, brick by brick

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Hi folks, my apologies for the sparse posting the last couple of weeks. I haven’t talked about it here, but instead of being in DC as usual, for most of the past few months I’ve been staying in my hometown in East Texas helping my mom (my father died in December). She had to go into the hospital unexpectedly three weeks ago, and from there she did time in rehab. She came home over the weekend, which is great. Now I’m administering tough love in the form of forcing her to do her physical therapy exercises. Cruelty!

With all that going on, I’ve been more than a bit distracted. This week, I’m driving to New Orleans (city of my birth) for several meetings on the sidelines of a conference for political consultants. Drag me to New Orleans, even for two nights, and I shall not complain. So the next substantive Epolitics post is likely to appear toward the end of the week or next weekend. Coming soon!

Also coming soon? My next two trainings: digital advertising for politics and advocacy, with one session designed for nonprofits and advocates and a second specifically for political campaigns. Please join!

In the meantime, check out the video from last week’s training on building political email and text-message lists ethically and effectively. It includes the one good way to use a donor list from someone else’s campaign, plus a lot of bad ways to do it. Why is ethical list-building typically also effective list-building? Let’s find out!

Please share with any friends or colleagues who could put it to good use. See you again soon.


Written by
Colin Delany
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