Links to Keep You Up Tonight; Plus, Watch My Digital Advocacy Training

In the dark of the night

Keep scrolling past the links to watch last week’s training, “Creating a Practical Digital Advocacy Strategy in a Tough Environment”. And believe me, if you are a fan of constitutional democracy, we are in a tough environment.

Also published on the Epolitics Substack. Follow me on Bluesky, Threads, or Twitter/X.

Hi folks, what a time. With Donald Trump overturning 80 years of U.S. alliances in favor of a Russian dictator, I am not sure what kind of a world we will be living in soon. Though I suspect it’ll contain a lot more nukes in a lot more countries, because European and Asian democracies can’t count on us to guarantee their freedom anymore.

Today I delivered my training on digital rapid response communications; for the first time in the 12-odd years I’ve been doing online sessions, I had a troll invasion. At least two guys joined the call using fake names, and they kept unmuting themselves and interjecting. I didn’t realize exactly what was happening at first, but folks let me know in the Zoom chat and I kicked them out. Unfortunately, since they kept trying to get back on under different names, I had to stop admitting participants who would ordinarily be able to join late. I fear that this kind of interference is a tame foreshadowing of what may be coming next. Watch for the recording soon and you can enjoy the experience yourself.

It’s closing in on midnight Eastern as I write these words. I’m working on a piece on what may happen to political advocacy as a concept and a profession in our new reality, but for now, here are a few links to keep you up tonight. We may be getting close to midnight in America in more ways than one.

Watch Now: Crafting a Practical Digital Advocacy Strategy in a Tough Environment

Advocates across the country face some steep hills to climb in the current climate. How can advocacy campaigns create, implement and refine digital strategies fit for a tough political environment? This online session explored the process of building and executing practical and effective digital strategies designed to survive contact with the real world.

Content creation resources I mentioned or meant to mention during the training:

  • ChangeAgent
  • This session discussed:

    • What should a plan contain?
    • How do you match your capabilities with your goals?
    • How do you sort through digital tools and communications channels now available?
    • How do you identify the resources you’ll need, from skills to content to dollars?
    • How do you identify pressure points that decisionmakers might actually notice?
    • How can you integrate the digital parts of your campaign with each other and with everything else you do, from field organizing to Hill visits?
    • And, of course, much more!

    I hope you find it useful.


    Top image by Henryk Niestrój from Pixabay

    Written by
    Colin Delany
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