Watching the Authoritarian Playbook Play Out in America

Julius Caesar, who ended the Roman Republic

Hi folks, I hope you’re holding it together. Count me as one of the millions who are truly afraid for the future of American democracy. If you haven’t seen it, check out last week’s quick guide to citizen activism in this new era.

Right now I’m working on pieces about Democratic grassroots, field organizing and what it means to meet voters where they are, and I hope to roll those out in the next few days. In the meantime, I have three (free) trainings coming up for you to check out. The first is taking place Thursday:

As an experiment, I also rolled out a paid tier on the Epolitics Substack newsletter. In its eighteen years, has never charged admission, and this is one way to support the work going forward. I hope to live up to your trust.

Top photo: Julius Caesar, who brought the Roman Republic to an end. Photo via Wikipedia.

Watching the Authoritarian Playbook Play Out in America

The modern authoritarian playbook is clear. Take executive power. Coopt or intimidate the institutions of society that could oppose or expose you, including the government bureaucracy, the press, academia and the courts. Undercut our common understanding of truth. As many have pointed out, we’re seeing it happen before our eyes.. Here are just a few examples:

If you’re not scared….


Written by
Colin Delany
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