Need to Build a Social Media Army? Let Beth Becker and Brad Caldana Show You How


Brad Caldana and long-time friend-of-Epolitics Beth Becker are hosting what promises to be a great online training starting in March. The topic? Building a social-media ambassador program. The idea? With organic Facebook reach a fading memory for most of us, the return of political Facebook ads uncertain, and Twitter cluttered by a cacophony of voices, having an army of supporters trained and organized to share content on a campaign or nonprofit’s behalf may be the only way to use social media to reach people in numbers.

We’ve touched on the idea several times on and in my digital campaigning handbook, including its use by Amy Klobuchar and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns, and Jeanette Russell and I also included it in our guide to building a nonprofit super-advocate program. Beth and Brad’s virtual training will go into much greater detail, though, covering strategy and implementation over six three-hour sessions. They’ll talk in depth about how email, text messages and direct/group social-media messages can spark supporters to share content on Facebook, Twitter and other channels, letting your group reach people who may never encounter you without help.

Good stuff! Sign up today.


Written by
Colin Delany
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