Quick Hits is back! Let’s clear the queue with a campaign-heavy (and social media-focused) catch-up edition. Enjoy.
- N.Y. Times blocks access to homepage for staff, to highlight importance of mobile.
- Hillary Clinton just ceded her Twitter handle to a supporter (and here’s why marketers should pay attention).
- Eyeing 2016, G.O.P Embraces Digital Strategies, but Doubts Persist.
- RNC in Fight with Koch Brothers Over Voter Data.
- Barack Obama’s digital strategists search for place in Hillary Clinton’s world.
- Hillary Clinton joins 2016 flock on Instagram, and Hillary Clinton Kicks Off Presidential Run With Periscope As Running Mate.
- Hillary Clinton embraces the Internet with a full listicle on LinkedIn. C.f. Why would Hillary Clinton join LinkedIn? Is it even still a thing?
- Seeking the Presidency, Bernie Sanders Becomes Facebook Royalty Through Quirky Sharing. C.f. Is Bernie Sanders a Social Media Nerd?
- How Many Social-Media Accounts Does It Take to Run for President?
- Hillary Clinton is tied with Snoop Dogg when it comes to online influence.
- Pew: Millennials get political news from Facebook, social media. But, Is Facebook’s algorithm inherently politically polarizing?
- The Right Baits the Left [on Social Media] to Turn Against Hillary Clinton.
- Facebook Instant Articles Have Arrived: The End of Publishing as We Know It?
- Snapchat gets its first political ad.
- Programmatic Buying Coming to the Political Arena in 2016. C.f. Leveraging new ad tech trends.
- Rand Paul Campaign Runs Ads in Conjunction With Senate Filibuster.
- Durbin Insists [Tammy Duckworth] Fundraising Email Isn’t an Endorsement.
- Can Social Media Increase Political Efficacy?
- Is Social Media Killing the Lobbyist?
- Social Advocacy and Politics: Twitter and the Candidates on Day One, and Day One Social Media Analysis for Candidates Catches On.
- 6 Ways Drone Cinematography Can Help Your Campaign.
- A lesson for digital strategists in U.K. Vote?
- 9 ways to avoid the spam trap, by our regular Epolitics.com contributor Laura Packard.
- Echelon offers rules of engagement for Twitter Trolls.
- Social media plays major role in Irish poll for first time, around marriage equality vote. Meanwhile, Canadian political campaigning enters the social-media age and Iraqis use social media to pressure government.
- Pelosi: We’ve Made A Lot Of “Advances” Fighting ISIS on Social Media.
- How to Write Amazing Fundraising Appeals.
- Action Management Systems…Compared.
- A Pinterest board that preserves hashtag hijacks.
- Twitter’s new guide for campaigners.
- The Hidden danger of free stock photos.
- What FCC Rule Changes Could Mean for your Data-Driven Campaign.
- An Inside Look at the Hillary Clinton [Campaign] Inner Circle, including top-level digital folks. Plus, Meet the woman behind Hillary Clinton’s Twitter account and Meet the 30-year-old woman running Hillary Clinton’s field operations.
- New Firm Focus: Adriel Hampton Group.
- The 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidates’ Logos, Ranked.
- 15 Presidential Campaign Ads From the Past. Messaging evolution in a previous medium: posters.
Too much is never enough? See past editions of Quick Hits.
– cpd