Greetings from CampaignTech East

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Howdy folks, greetings from CampaignTech East, where several hundred digital politicos have gathered in a Spring-happy District of Columbia to swap ideas, information, experience and connections. I’m seeing plenty of new faces in the crowd this year, a sign that digital politics is branching out beyond the Usual Suspects who’ve dominated the practice. A healthy development, and one sure to please our hosts, Campaigns and Elections.

I’m moderating two panels this time around, including an all-star wrap-up session at the end of the event tomorrow. Stop by if you’re here! If not, check out the @epolitics Twitter feed for some tasty morsels from the sessions I’m attending…when I can pull myself away from wonderful friends I haven’t seen in too long.

Once again, apologies for the recent paucity of posts here on the site, but thank you to all of the wonderful contributors who’ve stepped in to fill the gaps! Between travel and client work, my brain’s been too scattered for serious writing lately (except for that 4000-word publication I had due last week, more about which soon…), but this mental dam cannot hold forever. Look for much more goodness in the weeks to come, and keep those article ideas flowing in, kids!


Written by
Colin Delany
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