Top Ten Changing the World of the Internet & Politics: Still Time for Nominations

Who’s changing internet politics this year? You get to help decide, as long as you do it before next Monday:

PoliticsOnline and the 12th Worldwide Forum On Electronic Democracy are proud to open the call for nominations of the Top 10 Who Are Changing the World of Internet and Politics. For the twelfth year in a row, PoliticsOnline subscribers and visitors from around the world will help select the top 10 individuals, organizations and companies having the greatest impact on the way the Internet is changing politics.

This award seeks to recognize the innovators and pioneers – those who blaze new e-political trails everyday, the dreamers and doers who bring democracy online. But we need your help to nominate honorees. If you know of someone or something deserving recognition, send in your nomination by reply email today.

You can submit a nomination by replying at and now with a brief statement (200 words or less) describing the person and or institution, and why he/she/it/they deserve(s) recognition. Be sure to include all necessary URLs. The deadline for nominations is Monday, August 8, 2011.

Longer-term readers will remember that I got to take a certain trip to Paris last Fall as one of the last round of nominees, and it’s a hell of an experience all around. So get to work and put in the name of someone who deserves it. In other words, submit! Submit! Submit! I’m curious to see how many nominations Jim Gilliam and the gang at NationBuilder get.


Written by
Colin Delany
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