Here’s a question for all of you online politics gurus out there — and yes, I mean you. What digital technologies will REALLY matter in the 2012 elections? I have my own predictions, which we’ll no doubt explore later, but first I want to hear what YOU have to say. Choose from the list below, and be good and choose no more than five (oops — NOW you can choose five, since for a few minutes you could only choose one).
Once we have a critical mass of answers, I’ll write up the results. Am very curious to see what y’all think — and how it compares to what actually happens over the next 16 months.

– cpd
I’d be happy to vote for less than five technologies, but your questionnaire is set on a limit of 1 answer max, which is somewhat limited 😉
Good catch! Just fixed that.
damn you…only 5? you forgot andrew breitbart dude!
Done – just voted for the 5 ones that are (for now) the top 5. I feel like a consensus could emerge rapidly…
[…] potentiels bien segmentés grâce à des outils d’e-mailing et de CRM – une récente consultation des lecteurs du site epolitics fait d’ailleurs apparaître l’importance que ces axes […]