Well, David Almacy and I may only have managed to get on the air for a couple of minutes on election night, plus a few more live on the web (REAL news kept happening and bumping us out of the queue), but we WERE a part of Fox 5’s crack Election Coverage Team on a historic November 4th. And we have the photographic evidence to prove it: that’s me on the right, David on the left and WTTG Fox 5 News reporter Will Thomas in the middle.
Note the distorting effect of the iPhone lens — shot from below, we get a nice Mt. Rushmore effect, but in the real world I don’t really have a Hellboy-style massive left arm (in the uncropped version, my hand is about the size of my head) and David and Will are actually much closer to the same height. All around, it was a fascinating evening: besides the election itself, we got to watch from within as a local news station put together live coverage of a big event on the fly. Made up for a lot of missed parties.
– cpd
Sorry the “landslide” cut short your big TV debut!
Gosh darn that no-drama Barack Obama! Him and his wrapping-up of things early on election night, I tell ya.
[…] ways, it does give us the chance to consider why yesterday was the busiest day on e.politics since Election Night 2008. The answer: because the web rewards the GATHERING of good content at least as much as it rewards […]