- Update: Exclusive: New Hillary Fundraising E-Mail! Well, kinda.
- Lawrence Lessig considers Congressional run. More at Techcrunch, Wired and tPrez.
- Blogger Joshua Micah Marshall wins journalism award.
- CNN retaliates by firing American Morning producer for blogging.
- MP3s of candidate conference calls? Let’s all listen in on the spin! Via tPrez.
- A Fuzzy Bear Explains Complicated Wiretapping Fight.
- Cayman Islands Bank Gets Wikileaks Taken Offline in U.S. Whistleblower site gets shut down, but content is widely mirrored.
- The New Success. Or, new ways to measure political failure.
- Newsrooms Struggle with Wikipedia Citations. As if the damn bloggers weren’t bad enough.
- Should Your Organization Use Social Networking Sites? Via Nonprofit Marketing.
- Shanghai Activists Using Blogs and YouTube.
- The frightening reason that press releases still work. (Hint: they still get reprinted verbatim).
- Special Report: iPhones & Email Marketing. Lots of iPhone-specific tips written for commercial marketers but definitely relevant for political and advocacy types as well.
- Marketers lag behind the new technology of communications. Shocker.
- Keeping Tabs on the Superdelegates. How the web exposes the superdelegate process (note Sarah Lai Stirland’s earlier coverage).
- Political viral video strategies.
- Social Bookmarking For Journalists: 101. Via Bivings.
- Facebook Surveillance vs. Google Disappearance. “The real motivator is money, of course, since social networking sites are in the business of monetizing the social graph. That means people are traffic and personal information is content.”
- True.com Sinks to New Cleavage Low. On the nature of boobs and the limitations of content targeting.
- Keyword Research for Bloggers: A Comprehensive Guide. Not just for bloggers, btw. Via Problogger.
- Anti-Web 2.0 Group Resorts to Kidnapping and Torture. Sensible marketing, by any means necessary.
- The continuing tragedy: Mandy, Right Wing Babe of the Day.
– cpd