How to Build an Email List: Bring in Oprah

Well, it’s a tactic most of us won’t get to use, but the Politico’s Mike Allen reports today on a nice side effect of this weekend’s Oprah/Obama show:

The Obama campaign says that 68 percent of the people who signed up for tickets in South Carolina had never communicated with the campaign before, producing a bonanza of e-mail addresses and phone numbers.

Mmmmmm, list members — delicious AND nutricious, part of a healthy, balanced breakfast for any ambitious politician. Collect enough, and you can trade them in for volunteer work and donations, no proof-of-purchase seals required. Thanks to Ben Smith (who is not the Politico’s Ben Smith) for the tip.

Update: Patrick Ruffini links to some numbers provided by the Obama campaign.


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Colin Delany
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