- 14 Million Online Political Activists, according to Pew Report. Micah Sifry breaks the story, the San Jose Mercury News (among many others) covers it and the Pew site has the numbers. A word of caution before we get too excited — TV is still king (for now).
- Blog Readership On Capitol Hill. The majority of Hill staffers are reading blogs, and the more senior staffers are more likely to do so. Includes a handy list of popular Hill blogs.
- Citizen Journalism: Care2 Member Scoops Mainstream Media. A social news success story!
- Some guy from Illinois (kinda, sorta) announces for president, and Slate dissects his online videos.
- More on the presidential race from the Bivings Report: Who’s it Gonna be? 2008 Presidential Candidate Websites and Is the Obama Campaign Going to Embrace Consumer Generated Video?
- When to Ask For Donations. Monday sucks (shocker), Thursday rules!
- Two Micropersuasion articles to check out: Newspapers See Success in Moving to Blogs (more and more traffic is derived from their blogs) and Two New Tools for Tracking Online Videos (useful for tracking viral campaigns).
- Let The Eagle Soar: Behind The RedState Acquisition. Blog P.I. investigates, and now I have Ashcroft’s song stuck in my head (please shoot me).
– cpd